AirVenture 2017 is less than a month away. Are you ready?

AirVenture 2017 begins on July 24th. The FlyteGuide Team will be flying in on Saturday July 22nd to catch all of the activity. To be ready to fly in on Saturday Here’s our plan.


  • BFR – Our PIC has his BFR scheduled for this month. Are you still current/legal to fly? Now is a great time to make sure you are.
  • 3rd class medical – Is your medical current? Are you sure? Our PIC has his medical scheduled for the end of June. Now is the time to check yours.
  • Is your bird safe? Is it in annual? Do you have all of your documentation in case you are subject to a ramp check?
  • When was the last time you flew? If it’s been awhile, schedule some time to fly. Our goal is to have 10 hours of flight time between the end of June and the arrival into Osh. The demanding arrivals on Saturday and Sunday is not the time to discover you’re rusty. Go get some dual if you need it. Definitely practice some ground reference maneuvers and slow flight. You will need to be on your game for the arrivals.  Be sure to brush up on your landing skills. Chances are you will have a crosswind landing. Chances are also good that you will be landing in that crosswind with another pilot in another plane that is uncomfortably close on a parallel runway or just in front of you on the same runway. You want to be sure you can land on your mark and handle that crosswind. Go get some practice now.
  • Do you have a plan to get to Osh? Have you read the notam? Now is the time to download it and read it. Our plan from last year’s arrival is listed below. Please use ours as a guide to make your own.


Oshkosh 2016

7:00       PreFlight

               AT LEAST 50 GALS TOTAL FUEL


7:30       Wheels Up

               Start Timer

Heading 360 / 7000 Feet / 36” & 2700 RPM

Clear STL Class B then Direct to RIPON

8:00                Swap Tanks

9:00                Swap Tanks

               RIPON (-30)     – TRANSPONDER TO STNDBY                                                                            

                                           START DECENT

               RIPON (-20)     –   Get ATIS (125.9)

               RIPON (-10)     –   SLOW DECENT –1800 & 90KTS

                                            FLAPS (One Notch)?

RIPON                –   MONITOR FISKE Arrival (120.7)

                                LISTEN to RADIO for Arrival Track

FISKE                  –   GUMPS CHK (FULL PROP and MIX)

BASE                   –   FLAPS – ONE MORE NOTCH

                             –   GEAR DOWN

FINAL                 –   FLAPS (FULL if NEEDED)



ROLLOUT         –   GET OUT GAC SIGN – Follow flagmen


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