

Tips for making the journey enjoyable for everyone.

What if you’re not the Pilot in command for this flight? How can you help out? Maybe even share the workload. These are some tips we found that make the journey as memorable as the destination.

If you’re a pilot and for some odd reason you’re flying in the right seat, this is not the time to take a nap. It’s also not the the time become the PIC. Instead you can offer to take some of the workload off the PIC for this flight. Will you be flying IFR, or in a congested airspace? If your flight is anything but the most basic trip around the pattern, you should offer to help before you leave the ground. Ask if you can take over the radio for the pilot or if not the actual communication, then would the pilot like you to keep up with entering new frequencies as you progress. Could you also handle anything else for them? You’ll be surprised what a simple conversation will do to lighten the workload on the PIC while also making it that much more enjoyable for you.

But what if you’re not a pilot yet? You’re still in luck. There is a lot you can still do to help, it might also make the trip a little more fun.