AirShow activities


What to see and do at an Airshow.


There are literally hundreds of things to see and do at AirVenture, these are a few of the things we look forward to seeing:

1. Airshows. You really can’t go wrong with these. They happen every day and they’re worth the trip. Especially fun are the night time shows. Fireworks, airplanes and aerobatics. Whats not to like. On top of this you will have unique aircraft doing one time demonstrations. This year will have the F-35 arrive and show off.

2. Warbird Alley. Plan on a few hours in Warbird alley. Take your time and dont rush. It’s worth it just for the pictures, but if you’re patient, you can talk to the guys that flew them during real combat. AirVenture has the “Warbirds in Review” program twice a day every day. Each day is a different type of airplane and pilot, so look at the schedule and make sure you’re there for the stories of the guys who flew them.

3. Airplane rides. From a B-17, to a vintage Tri-Motor to a Helicopter from MASH, you can get a ride in a wide variety of aircraft. Some can be expensive, so budget your money, but a ten minute helicopter ride over the airshow might be a great memory worth the money.

4. Live concerts. This year Dierks Bentley is performing. Free Concerts coupled with free movies at night and you have a great way to end the day.

5. Mass Arrivals. If your inner geeks wants to see 50 Mooneys, a swarm of Piper Cubs, or 30 Texans arrive at once then plan on getting to AirVenture a day early. These groups usually fly in on Sunday and watching so many Texans arrive all at once is pretty cool.